Friday, May 16, 2014


I did a Sketch Dailies twitter challenge quick paint during down time at work. This took a total of about 2 hours from thumbnails to finish.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Sketch Dailies: Caipora

Sketch Dailies challenge: Caipora- A Brazilian mythological guy with a long mane of black hair, who smokes cigars and rides pigs and protects the forest.

I definitely phoned in the background.... >.<

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Hey guys. A bit of a warm-up that went on for far too long- drawing some armadillos. They were harder than I thought.

Lots of down-time at work- trying to get some portfolio stuff done. When I do, it'll go here, too!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Bad Case of the JITTERS

I had WAY too much coffee today. I keep grinding my teeth and drawing is harder than it should be. Curse you, coffee temptress, curse you!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Too Much Me

Cool-down sketches, decided to look into doing some new icons/avatars for myself. Stuff fiddling with sketches and final style. Anyways. Here's a lot of me?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Friday, April 18, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spaceships and Castles and Wolves, OH MY!

Hey guys, sorry I've been so busy. I'm doing a lot of non-art at my day job (just managing and correcting and client wrangling), and stuff I can't show yet for my freelance job. But I did send some rough concepts to a company who was looking for artists recently. These are supposed to be large coloring book posters.

I didn't get a contract (which is why I can post them here), but that just means I can use these concepts for something else later.

Anyways, any update is better than no update so here ya go!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


The Illustration Friday prompt was “survival” this week and I had a lot of down time at work so… It’s still missing a big “something” but I can’t figure out what. Boy do I miss having teachers o critique my work…

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Unkissable Cobra Throwback

I was working on the second draft/rewrite for my children's book (The Unkissable Cobra) and it got me in the mood to paint. Fortunately, I had this old sketch from the first pass of the book already color-blocked from a while ago, so I stated messing with it.

I think it came out kind of muddy and for the final book these pages will need a different approach, but it was fun to give the old snake a little love.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Satyrs and Fauns?

Some more doodles from my wind-down drawing time last night. I didn't have a ton of time/energy this time.

A sassy Faun and little Satyr. I went and did some investigating into the differences, and it turns outt hat Satrys were originally stocky little woodfolk with the ears and tail of a donkey. I love stocky folk (dwaaarvvvvvessss) so naturally I had to go that route this time. Also, they're both typically male but ladies are so much more fun to draw with all them chest and pit hairs.

These drawings were so quick and sloppy- and the poses are stiff because of it. I'd like to explore that faun character a little more another time and get something better out of it.

Anyways, here's a happy warrior lady on Valentine's Day....

And a lovable skunk.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Heyyy Tumblr has this thing where you post yourself as a mythological creature this week.  I spent all day doing UI layouts so I needed some brain-soothing doodles. Here's me as a BUNCH of mythological creatures.

If you need help guessing, here they are in left to right order:

1. Dryad 2. Beserker 3. Griffin 4. Anemoi 5. Unicorn 6. Minotaur

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Doodled some hunks tonight before bed!

Started out generic but then I drew some characters.

Not entirely sure why my strict B&W images are going grey and brown here, but I'll figure it out later.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Downtime Doodles

I got some very usual down time today since our servers at work borked and there's only so much I can do without access to the client/artist forum. So in between odd jobs and the occasional client e-mail check via phone, I did some quick doodles.

I don't get to doodle much lately because my full-time job (assistant Art Director at a game development company). I've also been working freelance as the head designer for an interactive children's book, which is tons of fun but lots of work too.

Free Time? What is Free time?